
Clips of Classes and events from the Iowa Hapkido club/and personnel travel blog

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Ep.4 Blue belts

Monday Jan 22, 2007

Monday Jan 22, 2007

Hey Gang,
It's the blue belts turn.  The video shows a few clips of Brian and his brown belt test but we will see more of him next time.
The music is Gwen Stefani Vs Eninem mashup. Once again any comments or suggestions please leave a comment here or on my myspace page It would be nice to know who is watching and if you would like me to keep posting short videos.
Until next time,

Hapkido Demo in Ames

Saturday Jan 13, 2007

Saturday Jan 13, 2007

Hey Gang,
I have actually already posted this video on my myspace page but wanted to share this here. This is a short demo we did teaming up with the Hapkido club from Iowa State University. Master Yong Chin Pak's home club that we are associated with.
First one up is Lance Rewerts from the Ames club doing a variety of throws. Second is Master Brian Hayes (teacher at the University of Iowa). Then lastly it is myself doing some bear hugs from behind defenses.
This video was taken about 5 years ago (maybe more) at a TKD tournament being held in Beyer hall in Ames.
Until next time,,

EP.3 Green Belt testing

Saturday Jan 13, 2007

Saturday Jan 13, 2007

Hey Gang,
Here is the Green belt portion of the testing from December. I still have the blue belts and brown belts to go. Classes have finally started again since the Holiday break. And we will be having a Demo for new classes on Thursday the 18th at the Fieldhouse. I will hopefully will be able to post highlights from the Demo.
The music in this episode is by the Drunken Tigers a Korean rap group. I lost the song title when I downloaded it a few years ago. But if you want to see more of them you can enter Drunken tigers on youtube to see some videos.
Till next time...

EP2-Orange Belt Testing

Tuesday Dec 26, 2006

Tuesday Dec 26, 2006

Hey Gang,
I'm back from Japan!! Had a great time despite the fact of having to take almost an extra two days to get home due to the Denver Airport being closed. I should have my blog up on Myspace here soon so please check it out!
In this entry is the Orange belt portion of our December testing. Some shaky camera work at the begining but dont worry it evens out.
Music is "Corona" by the Minutemen.
Once again please feel free to leave comments here or on my Myspace page:

Sunday Dec 10, 2006

So I have decided to put together a very basic podcast for the Iowa Hapkido club. Nothing fancy, long, or advance. I will be adding clips from classes and special events like Testings and Demos.
I will also be adding some personnel travel entries on my trips to Japan, New York, and Chicago.
In this first episode are the white belts during their test on the 7th. It is not the entire test and I apologize if I did not get everybody in frame. But like I said I am keeping this very basic.
Please feel free to add your comments on this site or you can contact me at or at my myspace page at
Plus if you have any footage you would like to contribute please feel free to contact me.
Thanks allot,

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